Day 32: Andy Bailey Lake - Cameron Lake Campground


The morning almost begins as the previous evening has ended.

Another neighbor comes over to me and introduces himself with the words that we can also speak in German. Thomas came to Canada at the age of 1.5 and his mother used to speak German with him and even practised dictates with him and his brother. He speaks an accent-free German, although he has lived only for a year in Germany later. We talk for a long time about motorcycling and my tours and about whatsoever. At some point, his wife Colleen passes by on her way to the facilities, but maybe also because she has already missed Thomas. He goes back to their car and return immediately back to me and tells me Colleen thinks I should have breakfast with them.

So after dinner yesterday I will be fed again at breakfast time.

At breakfast, we use English for conversation, so Colleen can participate easier, because their German is not so good. Wonderful people with whom I would like to stay in contact for the future.

In fact, I get my satnav running again this morning. I am able to save the recorded tracks and so I do not get off until lunchtime today.

As I ride into direction of Dawson Creek, where Shayna lives, whom I met at Kluane Lake, I try to get in contact with her during the day. But it unfortunately does not work. So I decide to take a shortcut on the Highway #29 and therefore missing Dawson Creek.

Air Canada Cargo unfortunately didn't receive my mail. I asked that today by phone. I have sent the mail again and will have to check again soon, whether they received it. Otherwise I will have to book the shipping back of the motorcycle by phone.

I also have to check whether I can extend my SIM card by simply paying again for a month and how it works. I wanted to clarify that today in Fort St. John, but the mall slammed the door just before I arrived, at just 6:05 pm.

In the evening I can make a nice little fire on the campground, as there was some leftover wood on my site.